Reading: Elkin Lauren. Flaneuse-ing Response
Lauren Elkin is a writer, critic and an incurable wanderer. She has written many essays on various books and cultures, which have appeared in several publications such as, The New York Times or The Guardian etc. She tends to write about women’s writing, experimental poetics, and visual culture, etc. especially photography. The reading I read, which is from a chapter I read under the name of, ‘Flaneuse-ing’, is originally from a book called, ‘Flaneuse; Women walk the City.’ The reading is about how women walk the city as stated in the title above but not just about that, it also talks about how these women found their personal freedom and inspiration through walking these streets on foot. I would say that this reading is connected to the theme, ‘STREET’, due to the idea that it is all about how women observe the city and how the author believes that woman in general can also be flaneur’s which is a term that means, ‘ A man who strolls around observing society’. This i...